to Spunk and Class. This is the TFL-listed Fanlisting for the awesomely talented actress, Emma Watson. For anyone who doesn't know, (but who doesn't?) Emma is best known for her portrayal of the character, Hermione Granger, from the mega-popular Harry Potter movies, based on the equally mega-popular books by author, J.K. Rowling. Through this role, Emma has gained many adoring fans, but she also seems like a nice and grounded person, so not only am I a fan of her as an actress, I've also been impressed with how she conducts herself during interviews and such. If you're an Emma Watson fan, as well, get listed as one!


The last update was on January 04, 2025. There are currently 209 fans listed, and 0 is/are waiting to be added. Welcome, Crys.


This site is maintained by Tiffany & is hosted through Surpass Hosting. The images used in the making of this site came from Fan Pix & Google and belong to their respective owners. No infringement is intended, this is purely a fan effort & nothing more.